Lumo Lab brand insights

Navigating the trust deficit

brand outreach in a skeptical world

Navigating skepticism in the age of content saturation and product scams.

In today's digital landscape, consumers are inundated with ads, scam marketing, and get-rich-quick schemes, leading to an all-time high in skepticism. As marketing teams climb this challenging landscape to solve trust issues, it's crucial to examine the shifts that emerge as a consequence of such cultural change.


The Rise of Consumer Skepticism

The exponential increase in online advertising has led to a pervasive trust deficit among consumers. Over 80% of online users feel overwhelmed by ads and express distrust towards marketing claims.

This skepticism has given rise to the self-informed consumer, who conducts thorough research before making purchase decisions. Nearly 70% of the buyer's journey is now completed independently online.

The Role of Self-Service Technologies (SSTs):

As marketers increasingly replace human labor with SSTs, it's important to consider the impact on consumer trust. While SSTs offer advantages like convenience and efficiency, they also pose challenges to various consumers, especially those unwilling or unable to co-create value.

Unequal allocation of costs and benefits, managed consumer choices, rising consumer powerlessness and vulnerabilities, and service failure responsibilization are key issues associated with SSTs.

Daniel Priestley on Marketing and Business Building

Thought leader Daniel Priestley argues that businesses must prioritize building a strong brand identity and trust-above-all in response to the shift towards self-informed consumers.

Authenticity, transparency, and providing real value are foundational to connecting with the modern consumer.

Strategies to Overcome the Trust Deficit:

Content Marketing. Creating high-quality, informative content can help address consumer needs and questions, establishing your brand as a trusted authority in your field.

Social Proof. Implementing customer testimonials and user-generated content on your platforms can significantly enhance credibility and build trust with potential customers.

Transparency. Openness about business practices, product sourcing, and pricing can demystify the purchasing process, making consumers feel more secure in their decisions.

Community Building. Engaging with consumers on social media platforms and forums fosters a sense of community and brand loyalty, crucial for overcoming skepticism.

Generate warm leads, and cut down cold leads that hurt your bottom line on excess qualifying time.
Build your brand prestige, by effectively leverage your strategy, while remaining brand-cohesive.

Further Reading

To navigate the trust deficit, marketing teams must adopt a multi-faceted approach:

2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report  highlights the evolving relationship between consumers and brands amid societal pressures. With increasing consumer vulnerability, brands are expected to engage meaningfully post-purchase, indicating that trust is now more crucial than ever.

2023 IAS Industry Pulse Report reveals eroding consumer trust in major social media platforms, which could negatively impact media spend. Despite this, marketers remain invested due to social media's reach and engagement, underlining the necessity for transparency in social media advertising.



Today's buyers are more informed and skeptical, often conducting thorough research before engaging with brands. This shift emphasizes the need for brands to be authentic, transparent, and genuinely helpful to stand out and build trust.

The dominance of digital platforms in advertising spend, such as Facebook and Instagram, underscores the critical role of digital content in addressing buyer needs and highlights the potential for skepticism due to ad saturation and concerns over authenticity.

In an age where skepticism is the norm, brands that prioritize trust and transparency will succeed. By focusing on authenticity, transparency, and genuine engagement, marketing teams can build meaningful connections with their audience and navigate consumer skepticism.

The strategies outlined here offer a roadmap for fostering a loyal customer base in the face of the pervasive trust deficit.

Explore these with us in our 3-part strategic branding process below:

understanding the branding process in three parts

Four key takeaways:

Identifying your tribe aligns with values and vision, guiding like stars.
Focus on what customers can achieve with your product, suggests Jason Fried.
Generate warm leads, and cut down cold leads that hurt your bottom line on excess qualifying time.
Build your brand prestige, by effectively leverage your strategy, while remaining brand-cohesive.
Scott Beckman says customers buy emotions, not features or benefits.
Bain's Elements of Value enhance offerings, meeting a spectrum of desires.

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product imagery

expo Signage


The Dream Destination.

Now that you have clearer idea of the values you're addressing its time to consider. What secondary flow-on benefits will they experience?

What positive emotions are a response to the flow on benefits?

As we address the aspirations and the emotional payoffs for our customers, we are able create a bond that people will rave about.

People are motivated to avoid emotional pain.

By identifying the emotionally-driven reasons people choose your product or service allows you to develop language that speak right into their 'wants'.

Where do you win?

Consider, what are the areas where you aspire to deliver unmatched outcomes and value to your customers?

What comes next?

Part 3 - Defining your brand statements.

Lumo Lab's Brand Strategy Workbook is here.

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Our comprehensive Brand Strategy Workbook lays a foundation towards defining your unique identity, vision and message in your marketplace.

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