From the Lab

January 2024

Avoiding pitfalls as you optimise brand touch points.

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8 minutes

Each interaction a user has with your brand is an opportunity to optimize your customer journey, and examine points of friction. When adapting and executing on such opportunities. some finesse, nuance and sensitivity must be applied to avoid damaging the customer journey.
Consider accessing your designer(s) to ideate and help consider potential problems.


As you map out the customer journey and develop strategies to improve the customer experience, your designers can be your strongest asset.

As you fine tune or overhaul such interactions, you will likely require the input of various teams across your organization in order to make these come to life.

Many marketers forget that designers have to think laterally on a daily basis, making them ideal problem solvers.

Meanwhile, visual design impacts the entire customer journey and ensuring the continuity of your messaging is a key consideration.

A designer that understands sales and marketing to a greater degree is therefore a highly valuable asset you can draw on to solve problems that go beyond visual expression.

Ultimately, when you're navigating shifts in touch points and therefore brand communication, it could be well worth having your designer(s) in on early workshops and planning.

Keep in mind, not all designers have experience in group workshops, so giving them the space to develop ideas independently should be encouraged.

In our case, the Lumo Lab Design Lead serves as a direct extension to your team that can be flexibly engaged at any time.

With two decades nurturing local and global brands, our Leads are skilled at planning and swiftly identifying what may or may not work visually - helping you weed out ideas that may not translate well visually - thus helping optimize the development process.

Drawing on experienced designer(s) can ultimately can save you time and added cost downstream.

Touchpoint engagement

We're always on the hunt to help brands to connect in unique ways. For Bloom & Grow Education, we brought to life, a unique door hanger that delights young students and continues the brand experience outside of class in ways that creates new word of mouth.

To discuss your needs, reach out to Trevor at Lumo Lab.

Photo of the project